HQ Eastern Air Command IAF Direct Recruitment 2014 @85 Group -c Civilian posts .Indian Air force Recruitment davp.nic.in Advertisement
Hq eastern Air Command IAF Direct Recruitment 2014 Group -C posts Advertisement details
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Hq eastern Air Command IAF Direct Recruitment 2014 Group -C posts Advertisement details
online application advertisement official website download apply
- HQ Eastern Air Command IAF Recruitment 2014.
- Group -C Civilian Posts . Indian Air force Jobs Details .
- www.davp.nic.in Application download apply HQ Eastern commandant posts.
- @ 85 Group - c Civilian Posts Advertisement Details .
Hq eastern Air Command IAF Direct Recruitment 2014 Group -C posts :- online applications download from the official website advertisement notification details . The HQ Eastern Air Command IAF is issued the notification to recruitment the Direct Group - C posts . This recruitment notification is published at the official website only. This recruitment notification through full fill the posts of 85 posts . Applications are invited from the Eligible and Interested candidates can apply Prescribed format . The prescribed application is available at the official website only. www.davp.nic.in . The candidates can download apply on are before closing date . This recruitment notification through full fill the posts of LDC-1, Store Keeper -2, Asst.Store keeper -3, CMTD -1, cook -7, Painter -1, Carpenter -1, MTS-30 Mess Staff - 12, Labour on AMN Duty -1, Ayah -4, Dhobi -2, Safaiwala- 14. The candidates can download the prescribed application form and apply .
Hq eastern Air Command IAF Direct Recruitment 2014 Group -C posts Advertisement details
Name of the organizer :- HQ Eastern Command
Name of the posts :- Group -C posts.
Number of the posts :- 85.
Age limit :- 18 to 27. posts.
Application Download :- www.davp.nic.in
Hq eastern Air Command IAF Direct Recruitment 2014 Group -C posts Advertisement details
1) LDC-1,
2)Store Keeper -2,
3)Asst.Store keeper -3,
4)CMTD -1,]
5) cook -7,
6)Painter -1
7), Carpenter -1,
9)Mess Staff - 12,
10)Labour on AMN Duty -1,
11) Ayah -4,
12)Dhobi -2,
13)Safaiwala- 14.
AGE LIMIT:- Who the candidates are apply this recruitment the candidates can apply age is
18 to 27 for LDC posts .
for Other jobs age is 18 to 25. years.
EDUCATION QUALIFICATIONS :- Who the candidates are apply this recruitment the candidate can possess the 10th class / Matriculation / ITI pass from the recognized university .
PAY SCALE :- The candidates get the pay :- Rs.5200-20200 + GP Rs.1900 ASK painter , Carpenter , and cook .
Rs5200- 20200 + GP 2400 Store keeper .
RS. 5200 - 20200 . + GP 1800 .
HOW TO APPLY :- Who the candidates can want apply this recruitment the candidates can apply the to download the Prescribed application form . The Prescribed application form is available at the Official website only. www.davp.nic.in .The application download full fill the application with all detail information and send them on are before closing date .
SOURCE :- www.davp.nic.in
Who the candidates are apply this recruitment and want more details like selection lists, short lists, final lists, waiting list to see the official website only.
Link to official Advertisement Hq eastern Air Command IAF Direct Recruitment 2014 Group -C posts Advertisement details
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